Whistleblower portal

Establishment of an anonymous whistleblower system

nak Automation GmbH – hereinafter referred to as nak – provides you as a whistleblower with a secure reporting channel. According to the Whistleblower Protection Act (HinSchG), this term refers to a system that allows you to submit anonymous tips confidentially.

Confidentiality in this context means that “a reporting channel is securely designed, established and operated in such a way that the confidentiality of the identity of the whistleblower and third parties mentioned in his or her report is maintained”. The confidentiality of a whistleblower must be guaranteed, he or she must not suffer reprisals, discrimination or disadvantages because of a report.

You want to point out possible grievances in an uncomplicated way, have suggestions or complaints, but would like to remain anonymous?

Employees and other interested persons can report any incidents or violations confidentially without being prosecuted. To protect them and their information, this is done by forwarding them to an external, secure platform.

Your identity and personal data will not be collected or stored as part of your notice unless you expressly consent to this.

The contents of your confidentially sent message will be forwarded anonymously to nak Automation GmbH by the whistleblower portal vertraulichmelden.de, but under no circumstances with details of your identity.

Details of the external whistleblower portal commissioned by nak as a service provider:

Thomas Schießl
Untere Ringstrasse 26, 94347 Ascha
Phone: +49 (0)1 71 – 1 46 28 86
E-Mail: kontakt@vertraulichmelden.de

More detailed information – for example on the functioning and anonymity of the reporting system, on data protection or on your rights as a whistleblower – can be found in the information provided by the reporting portal operator on the linked website.